Monday, August 27, 2007

Justice Gets a New Home

On August 9, Justice went to his new home. In the six weeks he was with us, Katie was able to work with the agency to define J's needs and identify a suitable family for him. We thank God on Justices' behalf, that we found a family that meets his needs very well, and is very interested in being an adoption resource for him should he become adoptable. While we had hoped to be this resource, we had to come to grips that we were not the right family for J given our current stage of life (two one-year olds and their needs). This new family is familiar with J's needs, and have already adopted two other boys from similar agencies. We continue to be available to this family for respite care for J should he need it, and as a sitting resource. Thanks to all of you for stading with us in prayer and moral support through this transitional time.