Monday, December 29, 2008

Another Day, Another Placement

Well, I just got off the phone with a social worker and we have two more children coming into our home today--a five year old boy and four year old girl. It's an emergency placement and shouldn't last more than a couple of days while they sort out alternative care providers from the extended family. They should be here within the next couple of hours. We'll keep you posted.

Lydia's Day

So, it's the last day for my family's visit, and the focus of the day is on Lydia's time with her Nana. With Lydia's increasing interest (and subsequent involvement) in dance and ballet, Nana is taking Lydie to the Danskin outlet to shop for leotards, tights and the such, and then it's off to the movies for "Marley and Me".

The rest of us? Well, we're haning out at the homestead, keeping the toddlers occupied, installing the microwave (yeah, it's still not in), and various assundry other household tasks like laundry.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Abby's Prayer

As I knelt besides Abby's bed tonight, I laid my head down besides her to catch my breath. She promptly sat up, placed her hands on my head and, through her paci began praying...

"Dear Jesus, please heal Daddy (I didn't know I was ill) and help Gabie not poop in the bath tub (a feat that he had accomplished just one hour earlier)."

Mind you, these prayers were genuine to her!

Happy Birthday, Abby

Well, not yet, but as far as Gabe and Abby are concerned, every celebration is Happy Birthday worthy. Apparently this is the appex of festive expression. And today we are singing to Abby because we had her dedicated at church as Abigail Yari Joy.

So, even though we'll be saying this again in two weeks, "Happy Birthday, Abby!"

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Let the Games Begin

Ah! The joy of time off that equals hanging out, playing games and watching movies with family. We have enjoyed playing heavy doses of Apples to Apples, Skipbo and Imagine If. We got a good dose of laughter last night as we tried to imagine my brother-in-law with Kramer's hair, Angelina Jollie's lips and Richard Simmon's lisp all the while leading one of those exercise videos! "Come on girls, work it!"

We have been drinking lots of coffee too. Good coffee, I might add. Jacki, one of our volunteer staff, recently tipped me off to Hemisphere Coffees in Mechanicsburg, OH. Our current favorite is Scottish Grogg.

Here's hopin' that you and yours are able to enjoy some of the simple things of life with those you love this holiday season.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, we were dreaming of a white Christmas, but ended up with a rainy then icy then unseasonably warm and weird sort of Christmas weather wise. But once all the hub bub of preparing and transistioning was behind us, we settled into the day quite nicely.

We ended up just sitting and relaxing into the wee hour of Christmas Day, enjoying the peace of having all gifts wrapped and chit-chatting with my Mum about simple things. Then we woke up this morning with one very excited and eager 10-year old saying that "Santa" had already been here (I try to make it obvious by drinking the milk and eating the cookies for her. This year I even left a little reindeer poop--aka M&M's.)

The kids were so appreciative, especially Lydia. That's really rewarding for a parent. Abby was most stoked about her candy--and she ate lots of it am. Gabe? He was last seen trying to carry every peice of play food, Little People and hot wheels that he could possibly contain within his grasp. He is a gatherer!

Katie and I hadn't gotten gifts for each other for years and this year we decided to. It was good to hear her tell her mom on the phone, "I got everything I hoped for!" It's good to know that I am listening a bit after all these years.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Back to "Normal"

Well, today the girls were returned to their home. It was determined that, though mom was not fit to take care of them, others in the home were. Seemed like the right decision as I took in the process and heard lots of testimony and history. (Quite an education!)

Lydia is a bit sad as she was really liking the notion of sisters closer to her age. But, we have family coming in tomorrow from Kansas, so we have something to look forward to that helps move on. Besides, Christmas is almost here!

So now we wind down a bit and put our noses to the grind of getting last minute details done before family arrives. I am installing new cabinets in our dining room, trimming out Lydia's closet, and putting in a new over-the-stove microwave. Katie and Lydia are doing last minute cleaning and room prep as well as collecting some of the girls' last minute things. Gabe and Abby? Well, they're taking their naps.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Big Family Feel

We actually pulled it off--waking, feeding, dressing and loading six children for church this morning. And we were fashionably late, no later! How fun it was to sport a family of eight and have friends interact with the girls as though they had always been with us. We could defibnitely get used to this big family feel. The older girls are so helpful, and all three of them are quite responsive and pleasant. They do have their typical sibling conflicts, just to keep our feet on the ground and expectations low enough for them to have space to fail.

After church we had a successful lunch time at the food court, afterwhich a successful stroll around the mall. Right now, all are resting.

Oh, did I mention that we are just finding out that the middle girl is allergic to our cats? So much for "no known allergies". Benedryl is keeping her afloat.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cheaper by the Dozen

I find my thoughts being drawn to this recently released movie with Dennis Quaid and Renee Russo. Now with six children in the house (I know, a far cry from 12), I find my thoughts rushing to rethink every aspect of home organization. Granted, I won't move towards a naval admiral approach to running our home, but there is a need for us to run a bit tighter ship, if you will. =O) One thing true--the older girls are a big help with the littler ones. What a fun adventure! What a challenge! Well, we're out to get more coat hooks, and pajamas and clothes for the girls. 12 passanger van here we come!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gabe, Where are you From?


The Latest Rendition from Gabe

"Old McFarmer had a piggy, e e e o o."

Ready or Not...!

As of 4:30 pm this afternoon, our family of 5 has grown to 8! Three girls--10, 8, 5--will be with us at least until Monday afternoon. Such a buzz right now in our hallowed halls! (Or is that lots of girly screaming! =O) ) Not even the opening of gifts can equal the surprise that comes with foster parenting...nor the joy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tribute to Our Staff

As the holidays approach and our volunteer staff here at HDC prepare to depart for Christmas break, I am reflecting on how much each of them has grown, how much my appreciation for each of them has deepened, and how blessed I have been to have them in my life.

Here's to Audrey, Ben, Erica, Ryan and Jacki! You're the greatest!

Of Cheese, Wine and Eyes

I have noticed these past couple of months, that I have been having to look under my glasses lenses lately in order to read or look at things close up. Am I getting older? You bet. But I am realizing that there are advantages to aging. For starters, I am a whole lot less cocky and arrogant than when I was younger. I have lived long enough now to know that I do NOT know everything nor have the answers to all of life's questions. I have also come to grips with the fact that I am not perfect, rather a work in progress (committed to the process) and a clay pot with Infinite Treasure inside.

So, graying hair, expanding body parts and increasingly limited mobility aside, there are aspects of growing older that are to be embraced and valued from the perspective of growing up in the faith we have in the One who has begun a good work in us.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Encouragement in the Small Things

Perhaps you have felt it.

Encouragement in the little mondain things.

Getting the laundry done. Cleaning up the basement. Washing the dishes. Getting the kids dressed. Processing your e-mail. Paying the bills. Getting up in the morning. Tying your shoes...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Knock Knock

We're on a roll! Gabe made up his own knock knock joke. Out of the blue: knock knock...who's there...doggy...doggy who, Gabe...doggy on the door! I know, you're bustin' a gut right now, but try to contain yourself.

What do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

We're sitting at the table, finishing up dinner. Our discussion is following the flow of what we think our two-year old son, Gabriel, will be when he grows up. After being drilled (and flat out rejecting every suggestion thrown at him) as to whether he would be this or that or the other thing, he finally blurts out, "I going to be a monster!" and flashes a soft, I-know-I'm-being-a-comedian grin. Such aspirations!


So, our almost three year old Abby takes a dish towel out of the drawer, sticks it under her shirt, pats her now-padded-belly, and declares, "This is for my novication!" What?!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Well, we've been back a full 24 hours now from our weekend get-away. After a fairly uneventful day, Katie spent the evening out with a girl friend while I and the kids set up the Christmas tree. We usually have this done the day after Thanksgiving, but life with two toddlers seems to have slowed us up a bit!

I don't know if you'relike me, but I often feel I have to rearrange the entire living room (Katie would say it's the entire house some years) in order to create the perfect space for the tree. Not this year. These days we are in "user friendly" mode. We cleaned out the corner and set up the tree. That's it!

We Were 16 Going on 17

We just celebrated our 17th anniversary! Wow, it's hard to believe when, in many ways, it seems like just yesterday, well, at least last month. =O) A couple of our good friends stayed at our house with the kids so that we could attend a Weekend to Remember marriage conference in Philly. On top of that, they freed us to stay an extra day! Wow! If you've ever had toddlers, you understand the HUGE blessing of having time away. Don't get me wrong--we love our children, but our relationship needed some TLC...and we got it.

Some highlights... Renewed our wedding vows! Had a fondu dinner out on our anniversary night. Received some strong encouragement and renewed vision for our marriage and family. Got some new books and resources. Did some Christmas shopping. Spent some extended, relaxed time together. We communicated! We got to know each other again!!!