Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thanks Mommy!

Abby in response to Katie's cleaning up of the back yard (picking up trash, scooping poop, putting away toys)...

"Oh, thank you Mommy! I'm so proud."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Routine Responsibility, Unexpected Grattitude

A routine parental responsibility.

A hugely unexpected expression of gratitude.

Abby spilled some of her slushy on her shirt and pants while trying to spoon it into her mouth. For Abby, this was more than possible without the mess. Nonetheless, there it was.

A bit less than patient in my response, I uttered a mild disdain for the mishap. "Abby," I said, with a whisper-like tone that clearly communicated my sense of inconveneince with the situation.

Routinely, I headed for the napkins and, calming myself fairly quickly, proceded to wipe off Abby's torso and thigh. Routine. You would expect no less.

Enter: Abby's response.

Arms thrown around my neck in an Abbyesque tightness that is her MO for communicating sincerity, our eldest three-year old exclaimed...

"Thank you Daddy! You're the greatest!"

For me, there are no words.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gabe is Three!

Gabe turned three yesterday! Seems like we have all been anticipating this day for so long, especially since Abby's birthday back in January.

For months now, Gabe has known that he wants a cow cake for his birthday. Mommy delivered! ...and boy, was Gabe pleased as punch!

Today, Gabe is pedalling his new trike around the house with his new pick up and hay trailer, Tonka truck and plastic animals riding on the back step. So content is he, with the little things.

And how he loves to play in his own little world. Not too keen on others playing with him, which is a conflict of interest with Abby's preferred mode of play.

She is social and wants to interact. She loves to move stuff around. Gabe loves to organize and order stuff. Makes for some interesting interaction and intervention.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Open Up!

So, Gabe was sitting on our friend Randy's lap, ready to play doctor. Randy began singing a song he likes to use to entertain our kids, called "Freddy the Wide Mouthed Frog".

No sooner had Randy finished the first chorus than Gabe piped up, thermometer in hand, " up your wide mouth"!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What do you want to be when you grow up?

We were at Chick-fil-a tonight for supper (Tuesday nights kids eat free!), and a worker came out in the cow suit. Gabe, who used to be terrified of this creature but really loves cows, yelled out, "Hi cow!"

Katie prompted him to tell the cow what he wanted to be when he grows (he always says he wants to be a cow). He yelled out to the cow (who had now moved on to other young patrons), "I want to be a cow just like you!"


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Adoption Day, Abby!

So, today is Abby's Adoption Day. All day long Abby has been taking her ice cream cake out of the freezer and admiring it. Finally, tonight, after a celebration meal at Applebee's, she got to tear into the coveted confection.

Wow, to reflect back on her start and our whole start with the adoption process, I cannot help but be amazed. I am impacted by the power of we had a choice to say yes or no to Abby's placement with us, then again to adopt her. And the choices her birth mom made...

Now, here she is, so full of life, so sensative, so energetic and athletic and cute and smart and sweet... (I know, I'm using lots of elipsis periods, but they are coming in so handy with this sort of reflection.

Any way, the cool thing about adoption is that we chose Abby and we are still choosing her.

We love you, Abby, and we're glad your our daughter!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fire Trucks?! Again!?

Sirens are not uncommon here. But since the neighbor's fire on January 15th, we hear them much differently. Our hearts start pounding a bit faster and our adreneline kicks up a bit. And for Abby, well, she usually gets pretty scared.

Tonight, as Abby and I lay in bed, we heard the familiar sound again. It got closer and I hoped it would just pass on by without much hightened screaming as it did. Instead, the sound stopped altogether...right in front of our house! "Not again!"

Turns out, a neighbor was strolling by HDC (the ministry that I work at across the street) when he heard fire alarms going off in our back building. It was just a dirty detector.

In the end, Abby was very curious and, by the grace of God, not scared. We see God using this in helping Abby get over her fear and the incident of last month. For this time, the fire trucks outside our house, was not a scary event.

Thank you, Lord!

It's Chick-fil-a Tonight!

We are feeling quite exhausted these days. For this reason, we look to seize the little oasis that come our way. Tonight, family night at Chick-fil-a! Kids eat free, the play place is great, it's very clean, we love that chicken, and the servers always say, "My pleasure!"

A huge step forward, it seems

So, we are currently sorting through the many boxes and bundels of clothes, sheets, towels, shoes, toys, blankets, etc. that just came back form the cleaners, all smoke free!

The challenge, besides finding places to put things, will be maneuvering around the construction guys who should be starting next week with tearing out certain walls and ceilings, and rebuilding and repainting things.

The other challenge will be for katie as she attempts to school and livel ife with the kids while the contruction is going on.

But we are happy to have people we know now working on our home, people we can trust. that is huge!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Christmas Tree is Down (and a House Update)

Well, we're getting the house back in some sense of order today for the first time since January 15! The tree is finally down and all Christmas stuff packed and reordered in the basement. Yeah!

After a hiatus from restoration work on the house, a new adjuster from the insurance company is coming out tomorrow, Friday morning. We have been less than impressed with the work of the restoration company, feeling that more work is being done than is necessary and more being charged than is prudent and decent.

So, before we consent to all our ceilings being torn out, we advised the insurance company that they get a second opinion.

Our clothing and textiles are all being delivered on Monday morning. Because of all the work needing to be done yet on the house, we will probably be storing these across the street at Chris' work. The staff there have graciously offered one of their empty rooms since our training is in the off season right now.

We also fixed our back fence today. I still had a hole from where the firemen broke through to get to the back of our neighbor's house. Several things have already been stolen from their house in the aftermath. There is little to no empathy here in the city. One person's trouble is many others' opportunity it seems.

Pray for our neighbor, Maria. I think she really wants to rebuild and reclaim, but they had no insurance on the house. I have always wanted to be active in organizing a work team to help someone with home needs, so maybe this is that opportunity.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'll Save Abby

As Abby lie crying last night becasue of her fear of the fire and the wasps and shadows on her wall, Gabe spoke up and said, "I'll save Abby, Daddy. I'll save Abby from the monsters." The little guy has such a sense of protecting his little big sister already. It was really precious.

Pray for the Hair?

Last night I was putting the toddlers to bed and praying for them. Abby piped up and reminded me to pray for the hair...the hair! "Pray for the hair?" I asked with deep inquisition. And then it came to me that, with all the uncertainty that still remains for them in the aftermath of the fire, it was appropriate to thank God for numberign all the hairs on our head, and that He loves and cares for and knows us inside and out, and taht he would take care of them (especially Abby) in the midst of her fears.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hold that Thought

Okay, we're headin' for Kansas on Sunday, so everything with the house is onhold until we return. When we get back, the inusrance company is sending out their own adjuster for a second opinion on the house and to answer some of the concerns that we have regarding how things are being (or not being) handled.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, today we got the word that the company does in deed want to tear out more of our house than just Lydia's wall, floor and ceiling. Word on the street (although we haven't been able to nail any one down on this exactly) is that we will have to pack out our entire house while they tear it up!

Now, if you ask me, that's a bit extreme. I believe this so much that I have asked our insurance agent to get a second opinion, just to be sure that they aren't being milked for job security from this sub-contract group.

In short, the insurance company is sending out another adjuster, but with our trip to the Midwest next week, combined with a weekend closing in on us very rapidly, things will have to be on hold until mid-month.

So, much like the light in Lydia's room, we are still hangin'.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our First Party

Call us crazy, but we hosted a tail gate party yesterday afternoon at our house in just our first full day back in. One of the volunteer staff said that it felt good to be back over here. It felt good to reclaim the space and resume hosting others.

After a spread of bratwurst, smokie sausages and baked beans--and a couple hours of small talk and football stories that only some of us were interested in--we headed to a co-worker's home for the Super Bowl. (Thanks Andy and Cheryl!)

An Update on the Epp Home

It's been almost three weeks since the fire next door. Clean up is steady now, even if it feels slow. Clean up crews are now beginning to clean out Lydia's room to prepare it for more extensive exploration into the smoke and possible fire damage in our building. Her room continues to be "quarentined" as we await crews' further diagnosis fo the situation.

In the mean time, we continue with the cleaning of dishes that were out during the ordeal, as well as putting together a rather dishevled living space.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Smoked Squirrel and Scrubbing Bubbles: An Update on our Fire Restorations

I have been realizing that much time has passed since last posting here, and that much has transpired in the ongoing saga of the fire next door. Here is an update as to where we are...

As we speak, Katie and the kids are sleeping at our friend's--Randy and Regina--house. We have been there since January 18, living on a room on their second floor as well as the whole third floor. It's been a good provision for us.

The restoration company is in their second full day of cleaning our house, now two weeks later. Two bedrooms upstairs are cleaned from top to bottom...well, minus the carpet. And that means wiping down ceielings, walls, outlet covers, anything setting on shelves and the shelves themselves, light fixtures... The carpet will be left for last.

The big surprise of the day? They discovered taht the fire actually began to creep over into our structure, so the damage is more extensive than first believed--more than just smoke. They even found two dead squirrels in Lydia's ceiling (her room is the source of greatest damage), trying to flee the smoke from our neighbor's house.

All of our clothes are with the dry cleaners, cleaned but in storage. So, we are particularly grateful for those who have helped us attain a small wardrobe of things to wear in the midst of all this.

While the ceiling and floor are being opened up in Lydia's room, and the living room wall and ceiling are potentially being opened up as well, we are hoping to actually sleep in our own home tonight, living around the workers, but having access to homeschool materials, especially the computer. Katie should be able to get back on track, feeling a bit more settled in that whole arena, and not having to worry about the toddlers handling other people's things.

Did I say the smoke smell is just about gone from the house? Well, with the exception of Lydia's room. We just keep her door shut (and the air scrubber will be placed squarely in there too).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lydia on the Rodeo

Yesterday we went to to the rodeo. It was awesome! I got a pair of cowgirl boots (that I paid for with my own money), and we sat right by the family of Miss Rodeo Virginia! Surprisingly, my boots are a size 5.5 rather than the 7-9 that my other shoes are.

My best friend Nicole was there with me, and we bought some socks together. They are the warm fuzzy kind.

I liked the barrel race and the bucking borncos. I also liked the calf-tackling and the calf roping. I like when they swung the laso at their head and then their feet. And I liked when they tackled the calf and tied the one rope quick around the front and then the back.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Status: Waiting, Wondering, Weary and Concerned

We are currently waiting on both the restoration company and a dry cleaning company to work their restorative magic. Seems like we have two weeks' wait on the home cleaning, although they have placed an air sweeper in our home to run 24/7 purifying the air. It still smells like a campfire with lots of trash thrown in it, but it does seem to be getting better.

Our biggest need right now is patience. We aren't sure whether our house is safe to live in, but would sure like to get back in. We're not sure what we can use and what we need to leave alone in order for the insurance company and its subcontractors to do their job. We just feel in such limbo. And one of the hardest things is having our children in other's homes, especially as toddlers, as they can get into everything!

We have a $1000 deductible to pay, lots of things to clean and move for others to clean, and we could use some breaks from the children in the midst of sorting through all of this. These are our pressing needs it would seem.

But even more poignant are the needs of our neighbor whose house burned. There was no insurance on that property, and no support system to step forward as there has been for us. Please pray for Maria. She has a place to live at the moment, but I am not sure how long that will be available.


That is what we have experienced from the many people whom God has placed in our lives over the last five years here in PA. And they are all stepping forward in this time of difficulty for us. Katie's MOPS group is providing meals for two weeks. At least five families have offered their homes to us if we need a place to stay.

One of our pastors showed up yesterday to shoot a short video recording our status and current needs, and posted it on Facebook. That night, at a church event, it seemed everyone knew what had happened and were asking how they could help! Someone there gave us gift certificates for clothing, too.

With us being out of our home and needing things to do, places to go to occupy our time, one friend blessed us with a gift to just get out and enjoy the Farm Show Rodeo tonight, while another friend offered to take Gabe and Abby. Another friend connected with us on Face Book and offered a solution to taking the smokey smell out of the air while we wait for the restoration company to do their thing in two weeks.

And many, many people have e-mailed, called or Facebooked us with well wishes and many other offers of support.

We are truly overwhelmed with friendship, truly experiencing the love of God that is so lavishly poured out upon us.

Thank you God! Thanks to each of you!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yeah, so we were sittingin our living room last night when I heard what sounded like something slamming in to the wall of our neighbors row house. Just then Katie said something smielled like it was burning. The last time she said that was last Winter, and one of the houses behind us was on fire.

Well, remembering this, we ran to the back door to see if history was repeating itself. Nothing going on behind us, but out of the corner of my eye I saw an orange glow back towards our house. I looked back to see the adjacent window to ours, glowing with it's curtain ablaze!

Immediatley, Katie and I both started to call 911, while Lydia rushed up to the kid's room, arousing them form their sleep and rushing them downstairs and across the ally to our rendezvous spot, just as we have rehearsed!

The fire trucks were here within three minutes of my call, but the fire had spread throught the whole house. Gratefully, for us, when our home was remodelled, a fire wall was installed to protect us from such instances, when fires typically spread rapidly thorughout the entire row building via the attic space. The wall blocked such a spread, protecting us and the neighbors on the other side.

We ahve much to be grateful for at this time. Although we have smoke and a little water damage in Lydia's room, we did not lose everything as our neighbor, Maria, did. Thanksfully for her, she and her kids (who have a one year old baby) were not in the house when the fire statred. And thankfully for them and us and others, we were home and in a position to hear and smell what was happening so that a response could be made in as quick a time as possible.

So today, we're waiting on insurance adjusters, helping Maria as we can (mostly meals right now), and trying to maintain some sense of normalcy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

So, I just finished feedng Abby breakfast: Fruity Pebbles and...V8 Juice. V8 Juice?! What three year old drinks, and enjoys, V8 juice?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We Were on TV!

Did I mention that the kids and I were on TV? While watching the late night news yesterday, Katie pointed us out in the back ground as we were makingour way throw the Farm Show complex here in Harrisburg. Yeah, it's a small thing, but pretty cool to have it a part of Abby's birthday weekend. Neat conversation peice for the kids too.

A Really Good Day

Well, Abby's three!!! We just wrapped up operation clean up following her party which included HDc staff, former staff, friends of former staff, and former team leaders. Man of these are central in Abby's life now, or were part of her life when she first came to us.

All day long, Abby was so full of energy and excitement. She truly reveled in her day and was so appreciative at every turn. Every time someone would say, "Happy birthday, Abby!" She was quick to reply with a gracious (and almost adult sounding), "Sank you!"

While she got some cool, three-year-old appropriate gifts, she was most excited about a multi-pack of watermelon Extra gum. She really knows what she likes!

After church, Abby requested Texas Roadhouse for lunch because she "wanted to eat peanuts" (someting youdo there--and throw the shells on the floor). After a nice meal, Abby was placed on an old saddle and the whole restaurant gave her a "Texas-size, YEEEE-HAAAAA!!!"

It was a fun day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holiday Weekend in the Epp House

No, it's not Eppiphany. That was last week. Sunday is Abby's birthday, and around here, birthdays are a big thing. In fact, if a bday lands on a weekend, we're likely to celebrate all weekend long!

Abby is so looking forward to this event that she sang happy birthday to her sleep two nights ago!!!

Attending the Farm Show today was laregely built up as we anticipated Abby's anniversary. But we also had snow today, also adding an extra twinge of escitement in the Epp household air. With all the squealing and cheers of joy that awakened katie and I this morning, you would have thought it was Christmas morning. In fact, it was more magnanimous than December 25 as far as the kids' energy level goes. Tomorrow has a lot to live up to as Abby's actual bday. We'll see how much more excitement can be generated then!

Until tomorrow (unless theirs something else to write about tonight)...

A Few of our Favorite Things...

We just returned from the PA Farm Show. For those of you who do not know what this is, it's a huge indoor livestock and farm exposition that lasts upwards of 9 days. It includes a rodeo, and is one of our family's favorite things to do around here in the course of a year.

Gabe and Abby really enjoy the sensory area. they can pay in a huge pile of corn, collect eggs, milk a cow, pick apples...and most importantly they get their own basket to collect all this in and haul around for upwards of an hour! They love it! ...except for the clowns, but hten I have never been fond of them either. =O)

The giant carousel is also a family favorite. Lydia enjoys looking around at the wool spinning booth, hair wrap stand, and quilt making area. And she realy likes the rodeo. Today, she bought a straw hat with her own money. A very heart felt and thought out purchase!

We also like going around to all the food vendors and sampling the many tasty treats: ice cream, cheeses, salsas, pretzels, name it, it's here!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are You in Time Out Again?!

Whoever said that discipline is work wasn't kidding. With four kids in the house last week, between the ages of 2 and 5, timeouts were a regular occurance, sometimes two at a time! Seemed like all we lived for in six or seven days' time was time out. We wonder, "Is all this really going to pay off some day?"

And then I remember the words of my sister back when Lydia was a tot, "I admire your consistency as parents." Consistency? Huh. We hadn't thought of it as that before, but what an encouragement that word has been to us! (Thanks, Vic!)

I realize, too, that discipline in my life, as a disciple of Jesus, is difficult work. And just as I am committed to my children through consistency, how much more is my Lord. True, "no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it."

So, all you disciples out there, stand firm. Parents, be encouraged, whether parenting your own children or doing the work of discipleship in the Body.

By the way, the two siblings that were with us in foster care--"Daniel" and "Maggie"--were placed with a new faster family following their hearing Monday. thanks for all who have been p[raying with us through this brief yet strenuous season.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Say What?!

Gabe, what are you drawing?

"I drawin' amimals."

What kind of animal are you drawing?

"I drawin' a tree."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Holiday Flurry

No snow this Christmas, but as I share my reflections on the Holidays '08, I recall a flurry of...

gifts to wrap

wrapping debris

games of Skipbo, Imagine If and Settlers

transitions with foster kids coming before and after Christmas

relfections on my time with family and Christmases past

pictures taken

good food

late nights

miles driven

people in and out of our home

new friends on Facebook

time spent connecting with friends on FB

new pictures on our fridge from friends

trips to the store with family members (becasue we all enjoy shoppiong together so much)

trips to Lowes

love for my family, especially my wife ;o)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Guys Night In

A little down time here tonight--it's just the boys here in the Epp house. Katie took the girls with her. Lydia is spending the weekend with her friend Nicole on the farm in Newville. Gave us guys a little time to ourselves. We've been doing errands, playing with a big empty box, eating supper, and now watching Bob the Builder! It's just me, Gabe and Daniel (name changed to maintain confidentiality), our five year old foster boy.