Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And Justice for All

As of last Wednesday, we now have four children in the home. Justice is 3 1/2 years old. His birthday is January 2, so now we have three January bdays (Yari's is the 11th and Chris' is 20th). Justice is very outgoing with a sweet disposition. And he has a killer smile! He's only been with us for a week now, but seems to be fitting in with our family quite well, and vise versa.

The name Justice is very curious to us. Ever since Annie was sent back to her very poor conditions over a year ago, we have been praying for her out of Luke 18:8 where Jesus says that the FAther will grant justice for those who cry out to Him for it. We have been inspired to to pray for justice for Annie and Rachel (a 12 year old girl whom we befriended while living in the mobile home park in Kansas), that God would grant them justice, theat He would protect them and surround them, be their high tower and rock--be the Father they don't have, and watch over them with a jealous protection.

Clearly, the situations that have touched us through our foster care and adoption courses have opened our eyes to a broader definition of justice. So, we are just a bit interested in what God is up to with the addition of Justice to our family.


keithandsandi said...

hello Epps. Welcome to the blog world! We will enjoy checking in even though we live so far away.:)

feel free to check us out at

Natalie said...

Hey Epps! I love your blog. You inspired me to create one.
Your family is precious.