Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, we were dreaming of a white Christmas, but ended up with a rainy then icy then unseasonably warm and weird sort of Christmas weather wise. But once all the hub bub of preparing and transistioning was behind us, we settled into the day quite nicely.

We ended up just sitting and relaxing into the wee hour of Christmas Day, enjoying the peace of having all gifts wrapped and chit-chatting with my Mum about simple things. Then we woke up this morning with one very excited and eager 10-year old saying that "Santa" had already been here (I try to make it obvious by drinking the milk and eating the cookies for her. This year I even left a little reindeer poop--aka M&M's.)

The kids were so appreciative, especially Lydia. That's really rewarding for a parent. Abby was most stoked about her candy--and she ate lots of it am. Gabe? He was last seen trying to carry every peice of play food, Little People and hot wheels that he could possibly contain within his grasp. He is a gatherer!

Katie and I hadn't gotten gifts for each other for years and this year we decided to. It was good to hear her tell her mom on the phone, "I got everything I hoped for!" It's good to know that I am listening a bit after all these years.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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