Saturday, January 17, 2009

Status: Waiting, Wondering, Weary and Concerned

We are currently waiting on both the restoration company and a dry cleaning company to work their restorative magic. Seems like we have two weeks' wait on the home cleaning, although they have placed an air sweeper in our home to run 24/7 purifying the air. It still smells like a campfire with lots of trash thrown in it, but it does seem to be getting better.

Our biggest need right now is patience. We aren't sure whether our house is safe to live in, but would sure like to get back in. We're not sure what we can use and what we need to leave alone in order for the insurance company and its subcontractors to do their job. We just feel in such limbo. And one of the hardest things is having our children in other's homes, especially as toddlers, as they can get into everything!

We have a $1000 deductible to pay, lots of things to clean and move for others to clean, and we could use some breaks from the children in the midst of sorting through all of this. These are our pressing needs it would seem.

But even more poignant are the needs of our neighbor whose house burned. There was no insurance on that property, and no support system to step forward as there has been for us. Please pray for Maria. She has a place to live at the moment, but I am not sure how long that will be available.

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